New Routes: Great Lakes Region Peace from the Ground Up
This new routes issue is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the Life & Peace Institute (LPI) and the Institute of Justice and Reconciliation (IJR). Based at the opposite ends of the African-European continents, we have joined efforts in presenting possible ways forward to peace in the Great Lakes Region, with special focus on the Democratic Republic of Congo. Inspired by the IJR and Kroc conference ‘Peace From the Ground Up’, we give examples of theories and analyses of keynote speakers at the conference, as well as other researchers and practitioners with years of experience from the region. The process of seeking trust, justice and reconciliation cannot be imposed from above or from outside but must involve local actors and stakeholders, that is, grow ‘from the ground up’.
Pages: 40
Date of publication: 2013
By: Fanie du Toit, Daniel Philpott, Symphorien Pyana, John Katunga, Patrick Hajayandi, J. L. Nambale Nzweve