Ordinary People, Extraordinary Voices

By Published On: 30th January 2017

Social Media Campaign

Date: 6 – 24 February 2017

In an effort to engage a more diverse audience and enable the voices of ordinary citizens to contribute to the national conversation, the IJR’s Sustained Dialogue programme will launch a social media campaign as a platform for ordinary community members to voice their opinions on their perceptions of the State of the Nation Address (SONA). The campaign will offer alternative views to the existing discourse around the SONA and how it pertains to issues of justice and reconciliation at community level.

The objectives for this campaign are twofold:

  1. To provide a platform for ordinary community members to voice their opinions and share these with a wider audience and, in so doing, generate conversation;
  2. To offer alternative views to the existing discourse around the state of the nation and how it pertains to issues of justice and reconciliation on community level;

To take part in the dialogue, follow us on our social media platforms and share your views:


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