IJR Appoints Professor Cheryl Hendricks as its new Executive Director
The Board of Directors of the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation is pleased to announce the
appointment of Professor Cheryl Hendricks as its new Executive Director commencing on the 1st
of October 2021. She succeeds the former ED, Mr Stanley Henkeman, who passed away in
December 2020.
Prof Hendricks, currently the Executive Head of the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), within
the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), brings to the IJR a wealth of experience and
thought leadership in the field of peacebuilding with a strong expertise in conflict management,
peacebuilding, gender and transitional justice issues that will be of benefit to the institution. She
was formerly a Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg
(UJ). She currently serves on the advisory board of the Women’s International Peace Centre and
is also a member of the African Security Sector and Southern Africa Security Networks.
Prof Hendricks holds a PhD in Government and International Relations from the University of South
Carolina in the United States, an MA in Southern African Studies from the University of York in
England, a BA Honours in Political Studies and a BA with Political Studies and Sociology as majors
from the University of the Western Cape. She has extensive experience in research, leadership,
strategy, public relations, and has worked with intergovernmental organisations (e.g., AU, SADC,
UN Women), research institutes (e.g., ISS, Codesria, Africa Leadership Centre) and civil society
organisations (e.g., SAWID, WIPC, SADC Gender Protocol Alliance) and organisations such as
the Club of Madrid, Africa Forum, FEMWISE and Gertrude Shope Women’s Mediators Network.
Commenting on the appointment, Acting Board Chairperson Prof Don Foster said, “We have
identified the best possible candidate for this position, and we look forward to working with Prof
Hendricks to take the IJR to the next level of innovation and thought-leadership on transitional
justice and peacebuilding.” Please join us in welcoming Professor Cheryl Hendricks to the Institute
for Justice and Reconciliation.
For all media inquiries, email Samantha Kambule: skambule@ijr.org.za