Upcoming Webinar: Education, Racism and Social Cohesion
IJR is regularly asked to intervene in schools, both public and private, to assist with incidents of racism or persistent structural racism in schools. It would seem that while the country has a great constitution, the education systems which exist have not been transformed. We often hear pupils and teachers alike speak of the toxic racial environments that they find themselves in. There is a range of incidents, from micro-aggressions that persist daily to blatantly racist actions. This webinar seeks to understand the extent of the problem and to seek ways in which government, schools, and civil society can join hands to overcome the problem of racism.
Join us on the 7th of October at 10am!
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84528289157?pwd=YnlGTHBFNkVkeE40Z1JCL2Y1RWhnQT09