Making women’s roles and experiences visible in countering and preventing violent extremism: the forgotten women of Cabo Delgado
The brief argues that C/PVE and peacebuilding efforts undertaken by international and national actors in Mozambique continue to view women through the one-dimensional prism of victims of conflict and thus negate their agency in conflict management and C/PVE. The continued stereotyping of violent extremists as male, or of only consisting of women who are “mothers, monsters and whores”, also limits our understanding of women’s role in radicalisation, recruitment, perpetrating violence, and in sustaining and reproducing violent extremist groups. This in turn impacts the development of com-prehensive and inclusive C/PVE responses.
Authors: Cheryl Hendricks, Amanda Lucey and Loide da, Gloria Sambo Macaringue
Pages: 14
Dimensions: A4
Date of publication: 2023