Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) webinar: Launch of the South African Reconciliation Barometer 2021 Report

By Published On: 8th December 2021

Date and time: Wednesday, 15 December, 10:30-11:30 (CAT)
Zoom Link:


Join the IJR’s webinar to discuss the results of the 2021 South African Reconciliation Barometer
(SARB), a nationally representative public opinion survey on issues of governance and social
cohesion in South Africa conducted by the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR).

The 2021 Barometer asked South Africans to evaluate their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic,
in addition to questions related to confidence in public institutions, levels of trust in society and
perceptions of cohesion and division.

This webinar will launch the first in a series of reports that analyse the 2021 survey. The webinar will
provide some answers to the following pertinent questions:
 How have South Africans been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and strict national lockdowns?
 How much confidence do South Africans have in public institutions and representatives?
 What are the major divisions in society?
 What does reconciliation mean in South Africa, and is it still wanted?

The SARB is the longest-running public opinion survey of its kind anywhere in the world. The first
round of surveys took place in 2003 and the SARB has been conducted regularly since then. The
Barometer aims to provide a measure of public perceptions of the legacies of apartheid, racial
reconciliation, power relations in society and democratic political culture. The latest survey was
conducted via face-to-face interviews in multiple languages in all nine provinces during October and
November 2021, while adhering to COVID-19 restrictions.
The speakers will discuss the importance of measuring social cohesion in South Africa and reflect
on the momentous events that have altered society over the last two years. Participants are
encouraged to pose questions during and after the presentation. The webinar will be livestreamed
on IJR’s Facebook page.

You are invited to join this Webinar using the Zoom link provided.

About the IJR:
The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR), a registered non-profit organization and think-tank,
was founded in the year 2000, in the wake of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Its aim was to ensure that the lessons learnt from South Africa’s transition from apartheid to
democracy were taken into account as the nation moved ahead. Over the past two decades it has
contributed significantly to advancing the work of justice and reconciliation in South Africa, on the
African continent and beyond. The IJR works towards its vision of building fair, inclusive, democratic
and peaceful societies by designing relevant and carefully crafted interventions combining research,
dialogue, capacity building and advocacy. The IJR has worked extensively on interventions in
Zimbabwe, Burundi, Central African Republic, Ghana, Kenya and Mozambique and partnered with
organisations such as the African Union, the Southern African Development Community, the United
Nations Development Programme, the European Union and United Nations system. We welcome
collaboration with like-minded partners and invite you to connect with us.

IJR in Social Media: Website:; Facebook: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation;
Twitter: @_IJR



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